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Diffusion tutorial


1. Theory of diffusion
2. Atomistic models of diffusion
3. Diffusion constant
4. Diffusion equipment and characterisation

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  • Describe how diffusion takes place
  • First law - for steady-state diffusion (concentration does not change in time)
    • defines the flux of atoms as a function of atoms concentration: (Fick's first law of diffusion)
      • J = flux or net flow of atoms

      • D = diffusivity or diffusion coefficient

      • dC/dt = concentration gradient

    • The diffusion flux is proportional with the gradient concentration

    • the arrow in the picture below shows that the movement is in the sense of decreasing concentration


  • Second law - for non steady-state diffusion (concentration varies in time)
    • shows how the concentration varies in time
    • It can be deducted from the continuity equation. If we consider a material of aria A, length dx (see picture below), we can write the continuity equation (mass conservation inside the material) for this case as:


    • The variation of concentration in time is: (Fick's second law of diffusion)
    • The lower picture shows how the concentration varies in space at different moments of time (different colours)


1. Theory of diffusion
2. Atomistic models of diffusion
3. Diffusion constant
4. Diffusion equipment and characterisation

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