First law - for steady-state diffusion (concentration does not change in time)
defines the flux of atoms as a function of atoms concentration: (Fick's first law of diffusion)
J = flux or net flow of atoms
D = diffusivity or diffusion coefficient
dC/dt = concentration gradient
The diffusion flux is proportional with the gradient concentration
the arrow in the picture below shows that the movement is in the sense of decreasing concentration
Second law- for non steady-state diffusion (concentration varies in time)
shows how the concentration varies in time
It can be deducted from the continuity equation. If we consider a material of aria A, length dx (see picture below), we can write the continuity equation (mass conservation inside the material) for this case as:
The variation of concentration in time is: (Fick's second law of diffusion)
The lower picture shows how the concentration varies in space at different moments of time (different colours)