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Dry etching tutorial


1. Plasma assisted etching
2. Solid phase etching

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  • Lift-off
    • another method of making structures by removing parts form a deposited film
    • the name of the method comes from the fact that the undesired part of the layer is lifted off from the substrate by removing the underlying photoresist
      • thus the etchant does not attack the film, only the photoresist
      • being left without the support of the photoresist the film is also removed
    • the main process steps in lift-off are presented below
    • Application: GaAs
    • advantages:
      • simple method, does not require etchant
      • no damage
    • disadvantage:
      • cannot be used for making small structures
      • good only for simple patterns
      • surface topology has to be smooth - poor step coverage metal deposition
      • metal floats in the bath and can be redeposited


1. Plasma assisted etching
2. Solid phase etching

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