Sufficient condition to ensure stability:
No sp can occur on the jw-axis

|kAv (jw180)| < 1
No sp can occur on the jw-axis
Gain margin - measure of stability
Gain margin (in dB) = 20 log |kAv (jw180)|
- Must be negative for stability
- It is desirable to obtain a margin of at least 20 dB
- Difficult to control ... more often is used the phase margin
w0 ... frequency at which the monotone decreasing absolute value of a loop gain |kAv (jw)|
reaches the value 1 (0 dB) ... unit gain frequency
Another sufficient condition of stability:

Phase margin - measure of stability

- The larger the phase margin, the more stable the circuit
- It is desirable to obtain a margin of at least 60o or more
Stability conditions can be checked by using the Bode plots:
At the unity-gain frequency w0:
- Slope of the logarithmic loop gain versus logarithmic frequency is approximately
-6m dB/oct
- Angle is around - 90m degrees
m is the number of those poles whose magnitude |si| is less than w0
For a substantial positive phase margin
60o ~ :
m should be less than 2
90o m = 1
... only one pole satisfying |si| < w0