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CMOS operational amplifier tutorial


1. Introduction
2. Two-stage CMOS operational amplifier
3. Circuits using the ideal operational amplifier
4. Stability and compensation of CMOS amplifiers
5. Frequency and time-domain analysis

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A simple CMOS implementation of the general structure:



Q1 to Q5 ... Differential stage with a single ended output (Q5 simple current source)

Q6, Q7    ... Second gain stage and level shifter (Q6 driver device, Q7 load)

Q8, Q9    ... Output buffer (source follower, Q8 driver device, Q9 load)


Low-frequency gain of the differential stage:

                  i ... input parameter

                                              l ... load parameter

Q1 and Q2 are supposed to be matched

Q3 and Q4 are supposed to be matched


Low-frequency gain of the inverter:


Overall voltage gain:

Av = Av1 Av2

For typical biasing conditions and device geometries:

Av ~ 10 000 to 20 000

1. Introduction
2. Two-stage CMOS operational amplifier
3. Circuits using the ideal operational amplifier
4. Stability and compensation of CMOS amplifiers
5. Frequency and time-domain analysis

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