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Basic analogue blocks tutorial


1. Bias circuits
2. Gain stages
3. Source followers and output buffers
4. Differential gain stage

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MOS source followers

  • Similar to bipolar emitter followers
  • Can be used as
    • buffers
    • dc-level shifters

Basic circuit:



Small-signal low-frequency equivalent circuit:


Current equation for the output node:


Substitution: vgs1 = vin - vout


Voltage gain:


Output impedance:

Calculated by applying a test source vx at the output

and considering vin = 0, vgs1 = -vout


Since usually:  



Rout has relatively low value of the order of 1kW

Level shift provided by the stage can be controlled by the bias voltage

1. Bias circuits
2. Gain stages
3. Source followers and output buffers
4. Differential gain stage

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