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Basic analogue blocks tutorial


1. Bias circuits
2. Gain stages
3. Source followers and output buffers
4. Differential gain stage

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DC current source


  • Current mirror



Input resistance of Q1 is low (shorted gate/drain terminals)

Q1 is forced to carry a current I1

Q1 and Q2 in saturation

I1 and I2 determined by VGS

Since VGS1 = VGS2

And if both transistors have same l, k', and VT, then:


Current I1 is mirrored in I2



Small-signal equivalent circuit of the MOS current mirror:


r0 ... incremental resistance of the current source I1

vin ... test voltage for measuring the circuit output impedance


Small-signal output impedance:


  • Wilson's current source

Increased output impedance ... performance more like an ideal current source





Small-signal equivalent circuit of Wilson's current mirror:





Output impedance:



  • Cascode current source



Output impedance:



1. Bias circuits
2. Gain stages
3. Source followers and output buffers
4. Differential gain stage

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