DC voltage source
Two voltage supplies available (VDD > 0; VSS ≤0)
Voltages Vi where VSS < VBias < VDD can be obtained by voltage division
Seldom used in MOS technology

Output voltage (no charge impedance)

n-channel transistor in saturation
VSS = 0
"Totem-pole" configuration
Voltages V01, V02, ... , V0n in the range from 0 to VDD

For all devices: vGS = vDS
The condition for saturation vDS > vGS - VT is thus satisfied
Drain current:

Disadvantage: All voltages and currents depend on the supply voltages VDD and VSS.

Depletion-mode device Q2 acts as current source
Q1 is forced to carry the drain current Ibias
Bias voltage V01 is thus stabilised
Only one bias voltage

Transistors Q3 and Q4 are matched
Equal currents Ibias independent of VDD
Equal Bias voltage V01 independent of VDD