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Basic analogue blocks tutorial


1. Bias circuits
2. Gain stages
3. Source followers and output buffers
4. Differential gain stage

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Differential-input, single-ended-output MOS gain stage



    • Differential pair with a current mirror as an active load
    • Typical first gain stage of a classical two-stage integrated operational amplifier
    • Input differential stage realized using n-channel transistors
    • Active current mirror load realized using p-channel transistors


Small signal analysis:


Ignoring transistor output impedances:

Positive small-signal current is defined as the current going into the drain of a transistor


Output voltage:


In the case of capacitive load:

zout = rout || 1/(sCL)


1. Bias circuits
2. Gain stages
3. Source followers and output buffers
4. Differential gain stage

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